Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Semester Dos, Blog Five

Pitch One: Communication in the Work Place. Example1: Communication within DPR, workers getting information to me, measking for things, talking on the phone in conference calls, miscommunications...Example 2:Communications with Partnering Companies: the good, the bad, the ugly.....Example 3: Communcating to the public(aka Public Outreach)

Pitch Two: Conservation, Nature, Environment, etc, how/why I'm involved/would like to be involved. My opinions thoughts beliefs etc

Pitch Three: A combination of the two above, plus relation ships with the people who you work with and how to excel in the work place. I really like the idea of combining it all but it might be alittle hard but I'm up for a challenge.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Semester Two, Blog Four

links to three or more example articles that could provide inspiration for your Ampersand article. Along with each link, write at least one paragraph in which you explain what that example provides for you in the way of inspiration, a good model to work from

https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0By0BP1hDLB5EMDJkYTJjZWItOTJhOS00NjMzLWIzMzktZmRhNTI5ZTljNzYy&hl=en&pli=1 I chose t his one because when I was reding it I immediately connected with the writer. She talked about how she wonder how humans affect the environment and how we can save it and thats ultimately what I'm interested in. I sort of don't like how it goes into a letter to Obama, I wouldn't do that personally, I think I just would write about communication efforts and how working together could benefit our environment.

https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0By0BP1hDLB5ENjAxOTNjOGYtZWZkNi00NDFjLTk0OTctZmI5OGQ2M2QyNThl&hl=en I chose this one because as I read it I really actually connected with Chandler. The quick switch from school to office environments took its toll on most likely everyone who was in an office for 5 days a week. I think if I was to structure mines similar to his, I could tweak it entirely to fit my own experiences with internship. I could even blend the ideas of the other two articles with this one, like the one below, of figuring out what you want to become, and the one above about my personal interests in conservation.

https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0By0BP1hDLB5EOWVhYTNhYTctZGU5Zi00ZGYzLTliODgtMDM4NTgyYzk2NDFk&hl=en This one is the one called What We Become by D'Vaughn. I loved it. I like how relevant it is, because internship is like a step towards us figuring out what we want to do with our lives as young adults and figuring out what our interests include and exclude, it addresses all of the things that have been going through my mind. I like that even though she doesnt exactly know what she wants to become, she knows what she doesnt want to become. And in a sense, I think knowing what you don't want is a lot stronger than knowing what you do want.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Semester 2, Blog 3

Post links to two exemplary interviews that you can use as models for your mentor interview:


In the intro they have dialogue that kind of sets the tone for the interview that is about to take place, it give s the reader some sort of sense of what the characters might be like. They also include a setting the White House which is something most people are familiar with, so reading this, the reader will be able to make connections and therefore be more interesting to them. Plus the way the questions and answers are formatted is really easy to follow along with.


This one is an interview of Director Spike Lee, now I don't know much about directors but after reading this you would know about him. They provide a lot of background info. What they do is go in and they have quotes in there but then they also have parts where they give background information so the reader can know what happened previously, or future plans, or what was happening during the interview etc. This is interesting, but theres a lot going on and I don't think I'd want to model my interview after it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Semester 2, Blog2

What have you read lately (say, since last semester), that you found interesting? Why did it catch your attention?

The last thing I red that caught my attention was this thing in a magazine that showed a picture of the beach on a cold winter morning and how you could make your photo be a wideshot even if youre camera doesnt take wide shots. I t hought it was interesting because I like photography and I like wide shots but my camera doesnt take pictures like that. So what it said to do was you take a couple pictures of the same scenery and then open them in photoshop and combine them together so that they match up and wa-la there it is. There was also other cool ones but I don't remember them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Semester 2, Blog 1

What are the big ideas that you are taking from internship into the next steps in your life?
Well at my internship it was actually focused one things with conserving San Diego's natural resources, and I'm interested in that for my career so my next steps in life will be to keep doing great in school and apply to colleges and then major in Natural Resources/Conservation.

What are your plans for the coming semester?
Get my work done on time, participate in honors. take SAT Reasoning, and 2 subject tests.