Thursday, January 13, 2011

Internship Week 2: Blog 2 out of 2

How has or do you see your internship changing the way you consider that paths your future will take?

There is an eclectic amount of things I have done and seen in the duration of my internship. Here is what I've done so far:
  • Attended various meetings: addressing internal issues of the Department of Parks and Recreation(DPR); addressing external issues that involve DPR, addressing feral pigs!, addressing Governor Jerry Brown's budget plan
  • Reveiwed Governor Jerry Brown's budget plan for anything that may positively or negatively affect DPR, compile most important information & send out to DPR employees
  • Participated in a state wide conferene call in place of my mentor, within the first hour of my first day
  • Compiled Skeleton of Multiple Species Conservation Program(MSCP) Annual Report for the year of 2010
  • Organized a meeting with DPR and Department of Planning and Land Use(DPLU) to assign roles in the MSCP Annual Report
  • Created graphs displaying acreage of 2010 reporting year
  • Visited trails in sweetwater with the Trails Coordinator

All of these things have helped me gain further insight to the world of Parks and Recreation, and while I'm still a newbie and get a bit confused when they throw their jargon around like its common knowledge, everything is new and interesting! I usually have to ask a lot of questions to understand what they're talking about, but when I get the big picture its like a light bulb goes off in my head and I get so excited because all of these ideas they bounce off of eachother are things I probably wouldn't have ever even thought of if I hadn't been on this internship. For example at sweet water summit, if they were able to connect all of the little individual community trails, the trail at sweet water summit could connect all the way to CUYAMACA! Doesn't that blow your socks off?! Well anyways, everything that I've done so far has only made me more set on my path to major in Natural Resources and Conservation which has little subcategories like Environmental Science, Policy, etc.

I am very happy with my internship.

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